A Letter to Wedding Industry Spouses

A Letter to Wedding Industry Spouses
A Letter to Wedding Industry Spouses

Today, I'm dedicating my little part of the internet world to the spouses of wedding industry professionals. Of course, my husband and I have first-hand experience with the wedding world, but I've noticed some common themes throughout the social media accounts and schedules of so many other wedding industry professionals that I think it's about time we properly thank our spouses and significant others. Not sure what I'm talking about? Keep reading and my guess is it will be crystal clear for you! 

Dear Wedding Industry Spouses,

Thank you. Thank you for being you, for supporting our wild dreams, for putting up with our crazy schedules, for letting our businesses take over our homes, and for helping us get that perfect Instagram shot.

I know you probably think we've lost our minds when we tell you we want to convert our dining room or living room or a portion of our bedroom to an office. You are probably 99% certain we have, in fact, lost our minds when we then show you our mood board for said dining room/office. Thank you for giving us the benefit of the doubt and realizing we aren't that crazy, and then letting us follow through with our dining room/office plans, only to realize we really only use it about 6% of the time.

I'm sure when we went out on our first date, you didn't realize you'd be spending your life learning that natural light is by far the best way to take an Instagram photo, how to properly style a flat lay, or how to ensure each little Instagram square looks naturally candid...even though the shot we ended up using was the 27th photo you snapped. Thank you for sticking with us all the way through those 27 photo snaps...every day (or half a day, depending what day of the week it is).

Thank you for holding down the fort on the nights and weekends we are meeting with clients or working the best wedding of our career (no, really, this time it really is!...until next weekend). Thank you for understanding when we get sidetracked and simply have to write down the most amazing idea we've ever had - even if it means we just burnt dinner.

I have no doubt you never anticipated learning the proper name for dozens of shades of pink, or how to create a floral garland (mad props to my husband for really doing this!), or the difference between cotton and linen paper and how this makes a huge difference in the final product.

All the gifts in the world wouldn't possibly be enough to thank you for everything you do and endure as a Wedding Industry Spouse, so we hope a gabled box of bubbly and individual servings of snacks tied up with handmade silk ribbon and the most perfect calligraphed tag will do the trick!

All Our Love,

Wedding Industry Professionals

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